Thursday, September 6, 2007

Cartographer - A Great mod for WoW maps

Today I wanted to talk about a cool add on I found for WoW maps called Cartographer.

Cartographer adds a tons of functionality to the basic WoW world map. Among its many features, it adds coordinates to the bottom of the world map and to the cursor, which is very useful if you're using a site like Thottbot for help. It also removes the "fog of war" from the map, so you can view the whole map, not just the areas you've explored. I know there are other add ons that do this, but this seems to be more efficient.

Cartographer also shows maps of battlegrounds, even when you're outside the battleground. If you want instance maps, Cartographer has those, too. In fact, it even has boss notes and other notes about the instance on the map. If you want, you can even add your own notes to any map you want, which is really useful.

If you're a gatherer, Cartographer even automatically tracks herbs and minerals for you. You can also change the look of the map by changing the transparency, the position of the map and even its scale if you want.

Possibly the most useful feature of Cartographer is that it offers zone information. Just by hovering your cursor over a zone, it will show you the level range of the zone, which instances are in the zone along with their levels, and how many players that instance is made for. That's just awesome in my opinion.

Just remember that all the World of Warcraft add ons in the world aren't going to earn you gold and level your characters for you. You've still got to play the game yourself. Luckily, there are still helpers for that, too. I use the Ultimate World of Warcraft guide, which helped me level up fast and earn a ton of gold while I was doing it. What I like best about it is that it is always being updated, so I never have to worry about buying another strategy guide again. I also like that it comes with a 1-70 leveling guide for both Horde and Alliance, so it doesn't matter which faction I want to play. Also, the gold making guide is the best I've seen anywhere. All that, plus a money back guarantee means there's no reason not to give it a shot.